Dorset's best rated and reviewed Which? Electrician
Established in 2003 - Lee is your local highly reputable independent electrician offering a vast array of electrical and security services for jobs of all sizes. Lee provides every client with the highest standards of customer service and expertise. Serving all towns and villages across beautiful Dorset 🏡
Contact Lee via phone / message or email:
📱 07773 342665 📧 leewardmiet@gmail.com
Mr Lee Ward MICWCI EngTech MIET
💚 Proud supporter and fundraiser for Diverse Abilities 💚
Electrician in Poole | Pure Electric
Are you looking for an Electrician in Poole; Electrician in Wareham, Electrician in Dorchester, Electrician in the Purbeck's, Electrician in Wimborne, Electrician in Dorset?
Lee is proud to have earned over 24 years industry experience; qualifications and approvals. I love small jobs and I provide cost effective solutions for electrical works and security systems of all sizes. I cater for Domestic, Commercial and Agricultural clients across all of Dorset. Centrally based in Dorset between Poole and Dorchester I
am able to serve all villages and towns across all of Dorset.
I am extremely proud to have earned so many happy customer references across all of Dorset over the last 20 plus years.
Click here to see what my customers say about the customer service; quality and value which comes as standard.
I personally guarantee every client a standard of service which always delivers excellent swift communication, reliability, respect and absolute client satisfaction.